
Friday, March 22, 2019

Effects of Popaganda films on World War II Essay -- essays papers

Effects of popaganda films on WWIIThe effects of film on WWII propaganda Without the advent of the medium of film to wage a war of propaganda both the Axis and the Allies of World War II would vex found it difficult to gather as much reinforcement for their ca uptakes as they did. Guns, tanks, and bombs were the principal weapons of World War II, but there were other, more(prenominal) subtle, forms of warfare as well. Words, posters, and films waged a constant battle for the hearts and minds of the battalion of the founding just as surely as military weapons pursue the enemy. Persuading the public became a wartime industry, al virtually as important as the manufacturing of bullets andplanes. some(prenominal) sides launched an aggressive propaganda campaign to galvanize public support, and some of these nations foremost intellectuals, artists, andfilmmakers became warriors on that front.Propaganda in the broadest sense is the technique of influencing human activity by the manipulation of representations. These representations may take the spoken, written, pictorial, or musical form. Since the movie theatre uses all four of these types of representations, a filmmaker would seem to wield a lot of power as a propagandist. If he so chooses to use his power to its fullest potential. The essential distinction lies in the intentions of the propagandist to persuade an earreach to adopt the attitude or action he or she espouses. This is ever so so prevalent as Hitler gained support from his nation to exterminate the Judaic people from Germany and Europe alike. He adopted such support by using his Nazi propaganda films as a weapon of mass distraction and manipulation of the people of Germany. If he had not idealized the German spend as a hero, and bestowed nationalism in his people, and blamed the economic problems of German on the Jewish race then he never would have been able to accomplish what he had in such a go around amount of time. The most famou s Nazi propaganda film is Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew).Der Ewige Jude was engineered by Hitlers Minister of Propaganda.It was created to legitimize the exclusion, and the ultimately the destruction, of an entire people. It depicts the Jews of Poland as corrupt, filthy, lazy, ugly, and kinky they are an alien people which have taken over the world through their control of banking and commerce, yet which still live like animals. The narra... ...at the mixed means of propaganda have on the great masses, film is without question the most powerful. The written and spoken word depend entirely on the heart or on the emotional appeal of the speaker, but film uses pictures, pictures that for lxxx years have been accompanied by sound. We know that the impact of a message is greater if it is less abstract, more visual. That makes it clear why film, with its serial of continually moving images, must have a particular persuasive force. assume is a very effective tool in waging a war. With out it, it would be hard to get the people to stand stub you andsupport your cause. Without the people it is hard to win a war. Thus I feel that with out films contribution to the propaganda effort the WWII would have been very, very different.BibliographyDer exige Jude Quellenkritische tumble eines antisemititschen Propagandaf ilms, Institute Fur Wissenschaftlichen Film, Gottingen, 1995,p.134Ellul, Jacques, Propaganda The Formation of Mens Attitudes. New York Alfred A. Knoph, 1965.Hippler, Fritz, Der Film als Waffe, Unser Wille und Weg, 7(1937), pp.21-23.Propaganda, Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000.

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