
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Static Code Analysis

Static grave AnalysisJim KieltTable of Contents (Jump to)1.0 Analysis1.1 Cross-Site Scripting 239 vulnerabilities detected.1.2 stick Manipulation 9 vulnerabilities detected.1.3 SQL injectant 4 vulnerabilities detected.2.0 BibliographyTable of understands find out 1 RIPS results output for bWAPP telephone number 2 Line of tag from xss_json.php vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting detected by RIPS portend 3 Returned contentedness from xss_json.php cons accepted 4 Returned center from xss_json.php with a hired hand being passed to the application.Figure 5 Returned pass on from secured xss_json.php with the leger being passed to the application.Figure 6 susceptible to charge up Manipulation edict detected by RIPSFigure 7 Link to uploaded buck on unrestricted_ accommodate_upload.php showing passage to uploadsFigure 8 Attempted upload of a PDF commove on unrestricted_ charge_upload.phpFigure 9 Vulnerable to SQL shooting principle detected by RIPSFigure 10 centre from SQL Injection on sqli_3.php1.0 AnalysisThe out-of-doors root word project for analysis for inauguration statute vulnerabilities is The Buggy mesh App or bWAPP. This application is deliberately insecure to help shelter experts and students of IT security learn about the vulnerabilities that exist on the Internet today, how they gutter be work and how they atomic number 50 then be secured. bWapp is a PHP application that makes mathematical crop of a MySQL database. 1To analyse the reservoir enactment for vulnerabilities, a static source jurisprudence analysis ray of light is required. RIPS is such a tool which is write in PHP and designed to find vulnerabilities in PHP applications. It transforms the PHP source code that it is analysing into a programme model that can detect potentially vulnerable hold ups or sensitive sinks that could then be vitiate by substance ab customr stimulus that causes vulnerabilities. 2So a potentially vulnerable function in source code that uses a source containing user commentary becomes a vulnerability.bWAPP is getable as a virtual machine called buzz-box where it can run as a stand-alone vane server on a laboratory/ essaying network. To analyse the buzz-box server, the RIPS application files need to be extracted to the buzz-box servers document root i.e. /var/www/rips/. Then on the armament machines browser, navigate to http//localhost/rips to bring up the main see page. The path to the file or directory and/or subdirectories to be scanned is entered along with almost available extracts before the scan button is clicked.The available options for scanning are as follows tautology level1. User tainted2. User, file and database tainted3. User, file and database tainted secured4. User, file and database untainted secured5. Debug modephoto type entirely or one of the followingServer-side all or one of the followingCode Execution, Command Injection, Header Injection, File disclosure, File Inclusion, File Manipulation, LDAP Injection, SQL Injection, XPath Injection, and other.Client-side all or one of the followingCross-Site Scripting and HTTP Response disseverUnserialized / POPFor the bWAPP analysys, /var/www/bWAPP was entered as the path with the subdirectories option revealed. Verbosity level option 2 (User, file and database tainted) and vulnerability type option All was selected. After clicking the scan button, 198 files were scanned in the web directory and after in effect(p) under a minute, the statistical output in figure 1 was generated.According to RIPS, the scanner works by tokenizing and parsing all of the PHP source code in the file or directory structure and tranforms the code into a program model which detects sensitive sinks that can be tainted by user stimulant drug, the source by dint ofout execution of the program.At a glimpse it can be seen that Cross-Site Scripting has been heavely detected along with some of the other top vulnerablilties rear in web apps today. Of the 198 files scanned, 4251 sensitive sinks (vulnerable functions) were found of which 293 could be tainted by user input and therefore considered vulnerabilities.The three chosen vulnerabilites for futher analysis are as follows1.1 Cross-Site Scripting239 vulnerabilities detected.Cross-site dealing (XSS) is an injection attack where malicious records can be passed through user input on to the web application to create undesired effects and generally performed through a client browser.An attacker can use his browser to use XSS to execute a malicious paw to another browser user visiting the same page and devote the script endanger unintentional discipline or perform an unintended action. Because the users browser has no way to k at one time if the script should be trusted or not, it has no option but to execture the script. The script or tainted data becomes embedded into the HTML output by the application and rendered by the users browser which can lead to we bsite defacement, phishing or cookie stealing and session hijacking.3A potentially vulnerable function resembling echo() which prints data to the screen that uses a source same(p) $_GET containing user input can create Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability, e.g$ title of respect = $_GETtitleecho ($title)The above code would display whatever the user enters and could therefore be exploited.To demonstrate the Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in bWAPP, the focus is on the bWAPP/xss_json.php file/page. Figure 2 shows the code snipit where user input was found and marked by the scanner (white dots) as a potential entry point for exploitation. Line 34 of the program places unbridled user input straight into a function which causes the vulnerablility.Figure 2 Line of code from xss_json.php vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting detected by RIPSThis page was assailable in a browser and was titled XSS-Reflected(JSON), displaying one textfield and a front button looking for the name of a mo vie to be entered. To taste how this page works, Spiderman was entered using the Marvel hint ans submitted. The resulting sum appeared at a lower place the textfield based on the input (see figure 3).Figure 3 Returned message from xss_json.phpSo the user input was displayed back in the output message which could mean that the input was probably un study.To test how the texfield responded to a simple script to display cookie information in an alert box, the following was entered and submittedalert(document.cookie)The message this time did not display the entered script statement but sooner tried to execute the script and displayed lines of the code from the page (see figure 4)Figure 4 Returned message from xss_json.php with a script being passed to the application.This message reveals information about the application that should never be dispayed and raises a security concern. A hacker could learn further how to exploit the application using this information. easingWe should n ever trust user data entered into an aplication which needs to be screened for the likes of scripting code. All entered data should be encoded before being embedded into the output. HTML convert converts untrusted user input into a safe format that can be use as output instead of executing as code in the browser e.g Converts to amp. For PHP applications, HTML entity encoding is done via the htmlspecialchars() function which convert all special characters to HTML entities.4 To encode any(prenominal) branched or single quotation marks that could be see by the application as code, the ENT_QUOTES parameter is used to pr sluicet any injections and be the correct charset prevents any special characters being used in the input e.g UTF-8 ASCII compatible multi-byte 8-bit Unicode.Line 34 shows the vulnerable code which was updated to incorporate the palliation to make it secure.Vulnerable code$title = $_GETtitleSecure code$title = htmlspecialchars ($_GETtitle, ENT_QUOTES, utf-8)Once th e code was secured, the same script code was entered and submitted and this time, the message showed the script statement in the message but this time treated it as a string and did not attempt to execute it (see figure 5)Figure 5 Returned message from secured xss_json.php with the script being passed to the application.1.2 File Manipulation9 vulnerabilities detected.File Manipulation can occur with Full Path apocalypse vulnerabilities where an attacker can see the path of a file in the url of a webapp, e.g. /var/www/htdocs/file. This gives the attacker a partial knowldege of how the application is structured or how the underlying operating system is place in order to mount different kinds of attacks. 5Knowing the location of a particular file, the attacker could access and manipulate it by adding malicious code to compromise the webapp server or even upload an attack tool to that location.A potentially vulnerable function like move_uploaded_file() that uses a source like $_FILE S directly from user input (upload) can create File Manipulation, e.g.move_uploaded_file($_FILESfiletmp_name, work outs/ . $_FILESfilename)To demonstrate File Manipulation in bWAPP, the bWAPP/unrestricted_file_upload.php page was examined. Figure 6 shows the vulnerable code where unrestrained user input (the selected file for upload) is used by the application.Figure 6 Vulnerable to File Manipulation code detected by RIPSWhen the page was opened in the broswer, a graze and Upload button were displayed where an image file could be uploaded to the server. A test image file was uploaded and the resulting message returned the sleeper to where the file is stored on the server. The link was followed to a directory called imagesin the bWAPP directory. Navigating to the images directory brought up a list of all files in the that directory (see figure 7).A PDF file was then selected and successfully uploaded so no file type check was in place. Effectively these files could be manipulate d as described above or malicious files uploaded and executed like a webscript that take control of the server.Figure 7 Link to uploaded file on unrestricted_file_upload.php showing path to uploadsMitigationSensitive information like file locations should not be visable to the user and any path or file names displayed should be encoded to prevent leakage of this information. This could be achieved by ever-changing the path and filename to a format that the server understands like a hashing function. The move_uploaded_file function should have the file checked that the files being uploaded are image files before being uploaded to the images directory.Line 34 shows the vulnerable code which uploads any file to the images directly without being firstly checked. The preg_match() function can be used to check for particular file extensions, in this case images file types, in a new $filename variable. 6 A file check statement was added to the vulnerable code that checks for the file type and will now only execute the original code as long as the file has the correct extension using an if statement. Line 166 uses the $file_error variable to notice if the upload is successful or not which determines the output, so $file_error is firslty set to an unrewarded attempt message by default which is cleared if the correct file extension executes.Vulnerable codemove_uploaded_file($_FILESfiletmp_name, images/ . $_FILESfilename)Secure code$filename = $_FILESfilename$file_error = not an image file, try over againif(preg_match(/.(gifpngjpg)$/, $filename))move_uploaded_file($_FILESfiletmp_name, images/ . $_FILESfilename)$file_error = Once the code was secure, another PDF file was browsed to and the Upload button clicked and this time because the file is now firstly checked for file type and because pdf in not in the array of dispense withable files, the upload function does not execute (see figure 8)Figure 8 Attempted upload of a PDF file on unrestricted_file_upload.php1.3 SQL Injection4 vulnerabilities detected.SQL Injection attacks happen when SQL queries are successfully injected through user input data into the application that can reveal information about the database to allow for further attacks where the database can be modified by the insertion, updating and ablation of data. 7 The user input is crafted in such a way that it is interpreted by the application as SQL commands allowing the attacker contol over the database in even the operating system itself.A potentially vulnerable function like mysql_query() that uses a source like $_POST containing user input can create SQL Injection e.g$login = $_POSTlogin$ give-and-take = $_POST countersign$sql = SELECT * FROM heroes WHERE login = . $login . AND password = . $password . $recordset = mysql_query($sql, $link)To demonstrate the SQL Injection in bWAPP, the bWAPP/ sqli_3.php page was examined. Figure 9 shows the vulnerable code where unbridled user input is used by the application.Figure 9 Vulnerable to SQL Injection code detected by RIPSWhen this webpage is loaded, it shows a login screen for superhero certificate requesting a login and password. A basic test for web applications for SQL Injection is the debut of the following command in place for the username and/or password or 1=1 The single quote is interpreted by the web application as a special character in SQL which allows for the special condition to the SQL command 1=1 which is of course always true and the double hyphen is intrepreted by the web application as a comment which closes off the query. When the or 1=1 statement is entered into the login and password fields, a welcome note is displayed (see figure 10)Figure 10 nub from SQL Injection on sqli_3.phpThis shows that this web page is vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks which uses unchecked user input directly by the application which could be exploited in compromising the server.MitigationThe most successful defence against SQL injections is to never use user input directly in the application and to use parameterized queries (prepared statements) instead which is supported by most languages and to avoid using propellent SQL queries or SQL queries with string concatenation. For PHP the mysql_real_ dodge_string() function can be used to escape special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement.Lines 137 and 137 of the code takes in the user inputs which are executed in the SQL statement in line 140 which is the vulnerable code really is. By implementing the mysql_real_escape_string() function into the code it will escape any special characters. 8Vulnerable code$sql = SELECT * FROM heroes WHERE login = . $login . AND password = . $password . Secure code$sql = SELECT * FROM heroes WHERE login = . mysql_real_escape_string($login) . AND password = . mysql_real_escape_string($password) . Once the code was secured, the or 1=1 statement was entered again into the login and password fields and this time instead of getting the previous message as above, the invalid message displayed (see figure 11)Figure 11 Message after attempted SQL injection on secured sqli_3.php2.0 Bibliography1 itsecgames. 2015. itsecgames. ONLINE accessible at http//www.itsecgames.com/. Accessed 19 February 2015.2 RIPS wanton PHP security scanner using static code analysis. 2015. RIPS free PHP security scanner using static code analysis. ONLINE useable at http//rips-scanner.sourceforge.net/. Accessed 19 February 2015.3 Cross-site Scripting (XSS) OWASP. 2015. Cross-site Scripting (XSS) OWASP. ONLINE Available at https//www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS. Accessed 19 February 2015.4 PHP htmlspecialchars manual(a) . 2015. PHP htmlspecialchars Manual . ONLINE Available at http//php.net/manual/en/function.htmlspecialchars.php. Accessed 25 February 2015.5 Full Path Disclosure OWASP. 2015. Full Path Disclosure OWASP. ONLINE Available at https//www.owasp.org/index.php/Full_Path_Disclosure. Accessed 02 March 2015.6 PHP preg _match Manual . 2015. PHP preg_match Manual . ONLINE Available at http//php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match.php. Accessed 25 February 2015.7 SQL Injection OWASP. 2015. SQL Injection OWASP. ONLINE Available at https//www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection. Accessed 19 February 2015.8 PHP mysql_real_escape_string Manual . 2015. PHP mysql_real_escape_string Manual . ONLINE Available at http//php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-real-escape-string.php. Accessed 25 March 2015.

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